START DATE: November 16, 2024. Graduation March 2025.
Have you ever considered becoming a Yoga Instructor? Are you looking for ways to refine your practice, get more involved in meditation, learn in-depth the proper alignment for your asanas practice? Are you looking to find your community? Would you like to learn more about the history of yoga, philosophy and how we can apply it to todays times and challenges?
Prana Yoga Teacher Training is registered with Yoga Alliance and will provide a 5 month comprehensive 200 hour training. In this training you will learn philosophy, anatomy, the many different styles and ways to teach yoga as well as how to connect and be of service to your community. This training will be done over a 5 month period allowing to make the commitment and not feel overwhelmed. We meet Saturdays and Wednesday evenings. During those training dates, you will receive free classes. Over 40 classes free during this training!
This training will provide you with a full curriculum that will allow to find your authentic voice as a yoga instructor. Not interested in becoming an instructor, but would like to deepen your own practice ? Maybe you’re looking to dive into more than just asana practice? This training will provide you with a path to living your yoga every day!
Payment plan options are available. $300 Deposit required.
November 16, 23/December 7, 14, 21, 28/January 4, 11, 18, 25/ February 1, 8, 15, 22/ March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
November 20/December 4, 11, 18/January 8, 15, 22, 29/ February 5, 12, 19, 26/ March 5, 12, 19, 26
Graduation March 2025
If you have been practicing for at least one year and would like to take an amazing journey, contact Kathleen for additional information and to request and application.
216-346-1246 or
YTT faculty include Kathleen Kossman, Deb Kistner and variety of guest teachers.
The following are just some of the many things you will learn when taking Prana’s Yoga Teacher Training.
We will cover the following books:
The Yams & Niyamas
The Yoga Sutras
The Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Toolbox
How the Sutras and Gita apply in todays world. What does living your yoga mean?
Service Projects
The history of yoga. Yoga today. Different styles of yoga. What is Vinyasa Yoga?
Surya Namaskar A, B and Classical.
Breakdown of Standing Postures
Balance Postures
Forward Bends
Applying anatomy to each of these postures. Benefits to each of these postures and the contraindications. Modifications. How to use props.
Building a strong foundation. Bandhas . How to link postures to create a class.
Creating a 15, 30, 45 and 60 minute class.
Hands on assists to each of these groups of postures. Language, queing, visualization while instructing a class. Learn how to assess your students and their needs. Create a Beginners, All Levels and Intermediate Class. Learn to create Specialty classes: Yoga Silks, Chair Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, Kids Yoga, Tween Yoga Prenatal, Partner and more.
Techniques of Meditation
Yoga Nidra
Here's what some of our graduates have said about our training:
"An excellent yoga teaching program! The teachers all put 100% into the program and truly cared about the success of their students. This program has a very comprehensive anatomy, philosophy, and teacher preparation program. I was able to come out of the program ready and confident to teach." Melanie S
"My experience of Yoga Teacher Training at Prana was life changing. The training offered well rounded information on teaching yoga, the philosophy of yoga and also learning about the anatomy. All of these provided me with the tools I need to start my teaching. The teachers were very good and thorough in their training." Linda M
"Prana's Joy and Service is a completely well-rounded school. The small class size allows a real bond to develop between those in the program and promoted a very safe and trusting environment. Kathleen, Holly and Rowan are so completely invested in making sure that the students are getting a great and unparalleled education." Angela M
“The YTT Program at Prana Yoga is second to none. Our teachers are some of the finest in the field - experienced, knowledgeable, compassionate, generous and kind. The curriculum is excellent and the 'joy and service' component provides for the rich, meaningful experience of extending the yoga practice beyond the mat. I am proud to be graduate of Prana's outstanding YTT Program!” -Mary C
“Prana Yoga's 200-hour teacher training was a life changing experience. I loved every second of it.” -Gillian R
“Amazing Yoga Teacher Training Program!!! Not only, do I feel more than qualified to help others on their yoga journey, but I feel this training program helped me deepen my practice as well!” -Maureen S